Monday, October 3, 2016


Image result for make gifs motion images of house of a thousand corpsesa further summary to this life is as follows.
the world is so back wards on righteousness that 'where do I begin in explaining the absolute deliberate evils of the human race in todays human societies.

revelation 3: 9-15 and matthew 12; 31-37 are written for reasons to humans in this life, you know?

humans know that. that's obvious.

that  is all too obvious regarding that subject addressed.

but anyhow, regardless,, to sum,marize that subject, if one expects the spirit of goodness to protect one, then one does not commit to the evils which humans commit to in this life. presently.Image result for make gifs motion images of house of a thousand corpses

that's the point.

because if one does commit to evils galore in this life then beings formerly righteous in previous existences are  sent to deal out righteous hands to evil humans in this life.

on that note addressed the following is also rationally addressed.Image result for make gifs motion images of house of a thousand corpses

which is simply this.

recently I watched a movie called house of a thousand corpses.'''

and its sequel the devils rejects.'''''

now many things can be said about such movies.
directed by someone in this life named rob zombie.

if deliberately wicked humans today only knew how virtuous rob zombie was in a few prior existences before rebelling finally away from jesus they would comphrehend what the following note I address truly means. and why I list it.
I debated listing it. but
after thinking it over I have decided to.

by stating this regarding the movie entitled the devils rejects.

in summary regarding the devils rejects,, Image result for make gifs motion images of house of a thousand corpses

just when you think sheri's done.
the scene where 'tiny' ''''''''COMES OUT OF NOWHERE'''''' and slays the arrogant texas cop.
close to the end of this movie.  
perfectly priceless.
perhaps the best scene in any movie.
well, look at the guy.... look how hes acting...
I mean, what the fuck, you know?
cops should be right in their judgments. not wrong.  and that cop was way out of line
at that point...
justice must come at the hands of the courts.
cops aren't initiated or ordained to act the way that cop was acting.
I cover this matter too in my main website to humanity in this life.

on that note addressed I say this..
why isn't that scene on youtube?
if it is,
I haven't found it yet.Image result for make gifs motion images of house of a thousand corpses

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