Monday, October 3, 2016

AS C5Q79 STATES SO, THE WRITER OF THIS WEBSITE IS NOT FULLY HUMAN. in connection to 2nd esdras 14: 11-14 too.

Related image2nd Esdras 14:11-14 says that ten parts of this life are gone during the time of Ezra the prophet of Israel ..
And 12 parts in total is what this world will possess...

That clearly contradicts what 2nd Enoch 33:1-12 states to humans in this life .
Even if Psalm 90:4-10 and 2nd Peter 3-7-8 are are accurate , 2nd Esdras clearly makes no righteous sense in addressing 2nd Esdras 14:11-14.
Because Ezra lived long ago in this life.
So, if Ezra lived long ago in this life, and we are now 2018 years past the date Jesus was born into this life then you do the math on that one.
Obviously that means 2nd Esdras 14:11-14 is contradicting itself...
Spoken by the so called holy spirit.
Regarding Christianity's scriptures.
As 2nd Peter 1:19-21 states.

i do not wish to say that, but all avenues must be appropriately evaluated.

The Israeli prophet Ezra clearly contradicts himself through Christianity's so called holy ghost there.
or so it seems?
Or the so called holy ghost doesn't,t know how to do simple math.
And count.
Not to mention the obvious apparent lies spoken through Christianity's so called holy ghost regarding mark 13:20 and Matthew 24:20-24 likewise on that note.
Ten parts are past already?
Says 2nd Esdras 14:11-14..?

And theirs only going to be 12 parts of this existence in total?

From the time of Ezra the prophet of Israel in this life til now?

Either the holy ghost in Christianity is lying in connection to 2nd esdras 14; 11-14 and 2nd peter 1: 19-21,, on the matter of 2nd Esdras 14:11-14 connected to 2nd Peter 1:19-21
In Christianity's supposed holy unchanging scriptures, or the so called holy ghost in Christianity is not too bright.
i do not wish to talk this way. i love christianitys holy-spirit.

i want to ultimately respect her.

but does she know how to count simple numbers properly?
It appears she does not know how to count.
By way of Matthew 24:35 connected to Luke 4:4 whole.
I wonder which of the preceding two obvious options addressed here are correct on that note addressed ?

does this mean Romans 6:1-3 and Luke 13:1-3 are lies too?
regrding those two testaments in christianity likewise..
Spoken through 2nd peter 1: 19-21./

As Deuteronomy 16:7 connected to Matthew 5:17 says...

does the holy ghost sinfully lie perfidiously about everything in Christianity's scriptures?

why then do millions of testaments in christianity appear to come true in the 7th century of ad? when christian scripture through time lines assigned to this existence say they will? 

i have to stay calm and not freak out like a bad child

When Matthew 12-36-37 does commence, regarding me, I,ll prove i'm right regardless. ..
but for now i gotta calm myself.

maybe take a sedative?

When Matthew 12:36-37 takes place regarding me"I'll easily prove i'm right.
but that doesn't give me the right to speak badly to my father jesus. or my grand mother the holy ghost.

i got to keep calm. got to.

Note that factually.
 face me inajudgment day. jehovah..
As Jesus says inmatthew 25-26.
Of the so called truthful Christian scriptures.
Spoken in connection to 2nd Peter 1-19-21 and Matthew 24:35.

That's all fornow.

Through your blessed god-jehovah.
May you both be blessed unendingly for your everlasting evils committed against me.

in this life. calm coelus. be calm.
Ta ta for now, on that note ..
You know who I am.

Look at the facts.

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