Monday, October 3, 2016


to thje readers of this websiteImage result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagalImage result for make gifs motion images of terrified lunatics screaming

connect simple christian dots. it isn't difficult to be a good child of the lord and do this.Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagal

what do i mean by that? well, for example, amongst everything else i write in these websites of mine perceive the simple dots of this obvious truth in this life.Image result for make gifs motion images of chuck norris going psycho

worded as follows.Image result for make gifs motion images of terrified lunatics screaming

The narrator of this video located below in a link is obviously foolishly analysing the facts of various matters related to Stephen Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagalseagull in this life from a terrestrial view point.

boinnnnnggg!Image result for make gifs motion images of idiots on the gong show From a molecular viewpoint.Image result for make gifs motion images of terrified lunatics screaming That's the narrators first mistake on this subject.Image result for make gifs motion images of idiots on the gong show If a terrestrial being tries to analyse a spiritual being of Stephens calibre from aImage result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagal molecular stand point without honoring what Christianity teaches humans in Luke 4:4 the analysis will never be correct.Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagalImage result for make gifs motion images of terrified lunatics screaming
Sir, Stephen seagull is one of the strongest forces in all existence. Image result for make gifs motion images of terrified lunatics screaming Regarding a being Directly related to the warnings given by Jesus christ to terrestrial mortals in Matthew 17:21.Image result for make gifs motion images of terrified lunatics screaming In spiritual power he ranks even higher then a real god,in this life Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagalyou idiot.Related image
Every fact in this existence verifies the accuracy of that true statement.Related image So, if he ranks above a ,god in power why then do you stupidly think Stephen would not have secret abilities, mortals can not perceive?Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagalImage result for make gifs motion images of idiots on the gong show Which literally give him the ability to live in Japan, by himself, during his teenage years on this planet in this existence? Were you with Stephen, at that time?Related imageRelated imageImage result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagalImage result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagalRelated image
In this life even? And if you weren't, why then are you so sure he didn't actually live in Japan by himself during his teenage years on this planet? Regarding this existence? Or even for a short space?Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagal For that matter? Or here's an even better question. Do you know the ins and outs of Einstein's theories on time travel in this life? I do. And Their generally correct.Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagal Einstein didn't get everything correct on the functions of time travel in this life. But he got a lot of concepts correct. On that note I'll say this. Sir, Stephen seagull has way more knowledge in the functions of time travel then you may think. He's superior to Einstein.Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagal I'll tell you that. The facts of this life do verify the accuracy of that statement. So, I'm just telling ya. Be careful ..Image result for make gifs motion images of terrified lunatics screaming Stephen seagull is very powerful. And very dangerous.Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagal You don't want to piss him off. I'm just telling you To the narrator of this video.Image result for make gifs motion images of chuck norris going psycho Your not measuring all the facts of this life properly. Now, this doesn't mean that I'm saying Stephen seagull is a thoroughly truthful being in this life..Related image He does manipulate truth. the same as this guy does in this life..Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagal While speaking general truth. Generally speaking. Your right in that. So, in listening to him, you have to listen closely. To decipher what he's saying correctly.Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagalImage result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagal Because, in this life, he's a high ranking evil spirit Image result for make gifs motion images of dangerously clinically deranged humansImage result for make gifs motion images of dangerously clinically deranged humansRelated imagein human form presently.
I admit that. Yet, even that's not the point.
heres the point to this brief journal which discusses stephen seagul.
worded as follows..Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagal...Related imageImage result for make gifs motion images of chuck norris going psycho
Sir, why do you think Chuck Norris refused to accept Stephen seagull's open challenge to him,approximately twenty years ago? Regarding facing Stephen in one on one martial arts Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagalImage result for make gifs motion images of chuck norris going psychoRelated image
. Chuck Norris clearly went out of his way to avoid engaging in a martial arts .arch against Stephen seagull. Though Stephen did everything he could to get chuck to fight him . Basically Stephen eventually, on national TV, called chuck a coward for not accepting a match with Stephen.Image result for make gifs motion images of chuck norris going psycho Where Stephen said ""if he fought chuck norris 100 times in singles competition he'd beat chuck and win every single time. Chuck is a god in this life. I mean, really. In human form.. Unbeknownst to mortals 🎁 presently. In this life. And he is tough.Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagal Every fact in this existence the veridicality of that true statement. But chuck is also smart. And he knew Stephen would destroy him in singles competition in this life.. All facts in this life verify and confirm the true accuracy of that statement addressed .... That is why chuck didn't accept Stephens open challenge. Pure and simple. Mr narrator of this video I would listen to me regarding what I'm saying here.. Jesus said make friends of earthly mammon if your gonna dishonor Luke 4:4 in this life.. And, besides my half-brother Jehovah, if your not gonna follow what Jesus says in Luke 4:4, then, you will not find a celestial evil being with more ancient power presently on earth then Stephen seagull. Here. Read this. Good luck buddy boy. Signed. The original supreme divine being of earth's original skies. Caelus.Image result for make gifs funny motion images of steven seagalRelated imageImage result for make gifs motion images of happy people eating cakesShow less

Watch "Exposing Steven Seagal - The Great Pretender" on YouTube


Angeltruth Jacob

1:32 AM (13 hours ago)
to Angeltruth

1 comment:

  1. isn't it nice.
    blogspot will not let me edit this post.
    to fix typos.
    how nice.
    aw yes.
    but whatever.
    anyways, besides this website writer,
    stephen seagul is the most ancient being on earth presently in this life.
    he's one of only a few beings 'very few' in fact, besides the three trinity producers of all life forces more ancient then even my half brother-jehovah, alias the god of israel.
    in connection to daniel 7: 22.
    if anyone is reading this i say this.
    regarding stephen seagul.
    be cautious of his powers.
    i warn anyone listening of that truth...most beings have no idea how truly powerful he is.
    chuck norris was so wise in not accepting stephen seaguls challenge
    to face him in singles cometition in front of the world when stephen challenged him.
    indeed chuck was wise in that regard.
