Thursday, September 22, 2016

stupid cop photo: stupid cop 71pbgi_zpsc06f9a72.gifsummary?
1st cor 16; 22 galatians 1; 8-9 and deuteronomy 28 clearly confirm for mortals in this life the following.
matthew 5; 44 is a direct reference for mortal christians to love fellow true christians.
and bless fellow true christians.
it is not a reference to bless hypocrites or devils or unbelievers.
even cephas and paul argued with each other in this life. about earthly matters. and contested each other at times. in temporary enemity with each other.

and we're, at times ' temporary enemies. but they we're still true christians. 

so? the answer to the contradiction addressed in christianity in matthew 5; 44 connected to galatians 1; 8-9, or 1st cor. 16; 22  is simply this.

jesus 'in matthew 5; 44, never instructs true children of god to bless devils or hypocrites or unbelievers.

all of the word of christ MAKES THAT CLEAR.

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