Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Friday, September 23, 2016

flaming spiritual bunnies

Re: 2nd peter 3: 7-17 approaches due to the silliness of humans not listening to my simple instructions, jeff. wonderful eh?

Angeltruth Jacob <>

May 2 (1 day ago)

to Jeff
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On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 5:50 PM, Angeltruth Jacob <> wrote:

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On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 5:32 PM, Angeltruth Jacob <> wrote:
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On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 3:39 PM, Angeltruth Jacob <> wrote:

messages between brothers

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jeff, why couldn't you just say 'its ready?
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is that too difficult?
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considering i have to pay 800 dollars for rent, and pay back money mart 300 dollars for the money i borrowed from them last week so i could buy a proper bike for my trip.
plus, i have to buy proper wrenches for my bike again.
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plus i still have to get a knap sack that fits the tent.
plus many other things.
knowing all that, couldn't you have simply said, ''sure its ready, kerry""
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sometimes i feel like saying this .
under such circumstances addressed.
which is.
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that said, i apologize to you for yelling and swearing.
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once again, i apologize for yelling and swearing at you.
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i put mine and dads voice on these two musical options.
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you may find them amusing.
by the way the last musical option is taking a long time to download.
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so, i'll send it in a bit.
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on that note addressed, i say this.
have a good day.
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