Friday, September 23, 2016

rey mysterio junior.

Óscar Gutiérrez in this existence. real identity? one of my ol chums. why i did not see it until now surprises me. now that i think about it, i knew it subconciously.

 yet consciously it directly never occurred to me until now. so? how are you ol friend? shall i reveal your true identity to mortals in this life ol buddy? what do i address here?

 Proverbs 28:9 If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their ... 3RD-AEON-SOPHIA.BLOGSPOT.COM SO, who are you really rey? BEFORE HUMANITY IN THIS LIFE?😚

connected to john 6: 63-66? AW YES. THE SPIRIT WORLD IS CLEAR ON THIS SUBJECT. YOUR IDENTITY? THE ANSWER IS THIS.  ecclesiastial ranking= matthew 17: 21.

 one of my ol chums BEFORE TIME BECAME A FACTOR IN CREATED EXISTENCES GONE BY.. and''' and steven seagul's second in command. in the rankings addressed by jesus christ in the christian gospel of matthew 17: verse 21.

 Matthew 17:21 KJV - Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by - Bible ... aw yes. so? Óscar Gutiérrez whats up ol buddy?

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